Deca2Go, the point calculator for combined events in athletics.
English Shareware-Version from february, 15st 2003.

(Eine deutsche Version ist auf der Internet-Seite ebenfalls herunterladbar.)

Thank you for deciding to test Deca2Go. Use this program on your own risk. There will be no liability for any kind of damage which could eventually caused by Deca2Go. This program is published "as is", if you find some bugs or have ideas how I can improve the program, don't hesitate to write me a mail to:



Deca2Go is shareware since the end of october 2002, i.e. you can test this program for a trial-period of 4 week without any fees. If you are convinced of the use of this program and decide to keep it after this time, you have to pay a shareware fee of 10,00 Euro (or $15,00 instead, reduction for more than 3 instances on request). Please ask for my banking account by mail.

I would be happy if you copy this version of Deca2Go to your friends. But it is not allowed to change anyone of the attached files.



As easy as described on the website...

Please look at frequently, the latest version will be ready for download there.



(c) 2002-03 by Oliver Hummel -

Oliver Hummel
Burgunderstr. 58
67435 Neustadt/Weinstraße